Thursday, April 11, 2013

Does Solar Net metering Systems save you money?

Solar Panel Array  installed at Senanayaka Mawatha, Nawala

A Solar Net metering System will definitely reduce your monthly payments for electricity.

 It simply feeds back to the national grid electricity produced by Solar Panels (PV modules) installed on your roof which is set-off against the electricity you have consumed from the grid.

The Net Metering System includes the Solar Panels, a grid-tied (Grid Connected) inverter and surge protectors and an energy meter.  CEB or LECO as may be the case, will install a "Net-Meter" replacing your existing electricity meter. 

 The Solar Panels are placed on your roof on a panel mounting platform. These panels will produce electricity during the day converting the Sun's energy into electricity. The electricity produced is in the form of Direct Current (DC) electricity which is what you would get from a normal automotive Battery. This current has to be converted to 230 V AC current through an "inverter" so that it could be fed into the National Grid. 

An Aurora Grid-Tied Inverter